Tuesday, 18 February 2014

#ishall Saying no to shopping (for a while)

So last week I wrote about my wardrobe resolutions for this year. From this point onwards, it will be about how to get there.

Last I wrote about my shopping ban, it was, truth be told, something that I was rather scared writing about. Because I was not sure if I could do it or not. And because of this, I was not very open to sharing the journey on this blog. I spoke about it with my friend that I was doing it with, and our conversation goes like this:

Her: I nearly bought a new pair of shoes last night. Shopbop was having an additional 25% off sale.
Me: Really? OMG, I have to check it out.
Her: But we are on a shopping ban.
Me: I just want to look.
(half an hour later)
Me: Oh man, I was about to buy these dresses but I had to close the window.

I am obviously on the it's-okay-to-look camp. I find it fun to look, and I get inspiration on how to dress and what to wear, etc etc etc. My wish list is a very dynamic list, it hardly ever stays constant. I change my mind too often when it comes to what I want - which really means I don't really want them. Does that make sense? Does anyone else feel this way?

The whole point of this post is to say that I put myself on another shopping ban. It started on Jan 18 and it concludes today, Feb 18. I was still very much on the it's-okay-to-look camp. Funny thing about this exercise is that it gets easier with time. It's like, you get used to it. But the real challenge is to exercise this discipline sans voluntary shopping ban. 

Image is from here. Yes, that's my instagram account. If you want to connect with me, you gotta do so via twitter. Largely because I don't want to deal with spams in my comments, and because I am personally of view that in the world of social media, conversations (with strangers) are best conducted via twitter. If you want to read other stuff I write, then visit my other blog, where I pretend to be all nerdy and geeky. 

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

#ishall Wardrobe resolutions for 2014

In 2014, I resolve to simplify my closet. Simplify as in cut it in half. Or maybe by a third from what it is right now.

I shall wear everything in my closet at least five times during the course of this year. 

I shall give away the things that make me feel less than good, (which are mostly the things given by other people (!!!)). This is kind of hard especially if they were a favorite once upon a time. Le boyf husb reckons I am too attached to my clothes (and shoes and bags). I am starting to realize that he is right. Ugh.

I shall only purchase things that I need and want. This is already broken, unfortunately, by the purchase of the pictured bag, something I don't exactly need (although this is somewhat debatable), but had been wanting for over 5 years. To be fair, when I first coveted the bag, it was the yellow version and it was love at first sight. I did not manage to purchase it at the time. Last month, the beautiful coincidence was that I received a Mimco gift voucher for Christmas. In the true spirit of lazy shopping, I browsed the sale section of the website and spotted the fuschia cocoon bag. It was love all over again, and for once, money did buy love.