Sunday, 29 September 2013

A trip down memory lane

I always cringe, a lil bit, whenever I forget to blog. Blogging is not a chore for me, I do like it, it brings me a lot of enjoyment that I otherwise would not have derived from life. And there are a lot of other things that I like doing, some of which take priority, life happens, yadidadida

I went to hit the pavement this morning, slightly apprehensive following my most recent injury, and had to stop just before hitting 5km. It was not like I ended up limping, it was just that I felt the early stages of the pain returning. I got scared, okay. I stopped running and walked home. 

Circa 2008, I finally became a doctor. I returned to the love of my life that is travelling and set off on a 2 months trip to the land of the US of A, spending the majority of it in LA, with the above being my favourite spot. Favourite as in I would go there whenever I could, as often as I could and if anyone asked the question, then that would be the answer. What can I say, I play favourites and once I have my heart set on something, that's it. It's like rum and raisin, the ice cream. It is not just the number one choice, it is the only choice. I would rather not have ice cream if it's not rum and raisin. 

I realised that I can't quite articulate why I like that spot. I mean, the malls were (and probably still are) great and back then, I was more into shopping than I am today, so it was shopping heaven, enabled by the fact that I was not as meticulous about what went into my wardrobe as I am today. Fast fashion was definitely the bomb. Such a far cry from where I am today in terms of wardrobe and style. 

Well, we live and learn. 

"I love my past. I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had and I'm not sad because I no longer have it." Colette

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